- It may take up to 3 working days from the time of registration/change of student information at the school for transportation to be set-up, as schools must first input information into their Student Information System.
- Student data is transmitted electronically to STEO 1-2 times per day.
- After the data is received, the Transportation Planner routes the student(s) as soon as possible and the bus company receives the latest transportation information as of midnight that day.
- The following day, the bus company will call the family to confirm the pick-up time and location.
- Bus Companies have been asked to call the families of all routed students prior to start of school with their busing information.
- Students registered after August 30th may not have transportation set up for the first day of school.
- Once the student is routed, the bus company will contact the family to confirm busing information.
STEO wishes you safe travels and all the best in the school year!