Welcome to the Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario



How do I report a change in my address or telephone number?

The school office should be contacted as soon as possible with all address and contact information changes. The school will put the information into the Board’s computerized student information system allowing STEO to see it.  Please note:  STEO is unable to make changes to student contact and address information.

How do I get my child on a bus?

  • Find out your home school on the STEO website at www.steo.ca under Quick Links in Tools
  • Register your child at your home school.
  • The school will enter your home address, your caregiver’s address and any other necessary information into the Board’s computerized student information system.
  • The above information is received by STEO the next day.
  • If eligible for transportation, a STEO route planner will find a safe and efficient bus route for your child to take to school.
  • The bus company is notified the following day that a student has been assigned to a specific route.
  • The bus company will call your home to provide the time, pick-up location and effective date for your child.
  • Every attempt will be made to have your child on the bus within three (3) working days from the time that the school enters the student’s information.

Is transportation provided for special events?

STEO cannot provide transportation for special events such as birthday parties, sleepovers, a homework project, or to complete community service hours. These requests cannot be permitted for safety reasons.

Who do I contact for permission for my child to ride on a bus in case of emergency?

On occasion there may be a situation that arises that requires a student to travel on a bus because of an emergency situation. This is not for birthday parties, to allow a homework project to be completed or for a job. The student may or may not already be receiving transportation to school. Contact the school principal or vice-principal to have a “Request for Emergency Bus Seat or Short Term Alternative Busing” form filled out. The school will email a copy to STEO and a copy will be given to the bus driver.

What if my child has a life threatening medical condition?

Each September we ask the schools to identify to STEO, any students who have a life threatening medical condition by having the parents/guardians complete a Life Threatening Medical Alert form, to assist the bus driver to respond to emergency situations on the school vehicle.

If your child has a life threatening condition please fill out the appropriate form and return it to the school. Forms can be obtained from your school.

These forms are kept confidential by STEO, the bus company and the bus driver.

My child left a jacket (books, instrument) on the bus. How can we get it back?

The drivers must check their bus after each run. Items left on the bus by students will be held by the driver and may be claimed by the child the next day.

How will I be notified of a change to my child’s stop time, stop location or bus number during the school year?

If the change in time is more than ten (10) minutes, the bus company will notify the students of the change. If there is a change in stop location or bus assignment the bus company will notify the parents/guardians of the change.

During the summer, STEO creates routes for September. Families will not be contacted by bus companies with this information, but can access it through STEO’s parent portal beginning in mid/late August 

New students requiring transportation will be notified by the bus company of their pickup time and location once finalized.

If I have a concern about student behaviour on the bus, who should I contact?

If you have a concern regarding student behaviour on the bus, you should contact the school principal. The bus is considered an extension of the classroom and the school principal is responsible for student behaviour issues.

If my child has lost their bus privileges to and from school, can they catch another bus at a different stop?

No. When a student loses their bus riding privileges, they are not allowed to ride on any bus. The parents/guardians are responsible for their transportation to and from school.

Do you provide transportation to or from a caregiver’s address when required, as well as to the home address?

STEO policy is that there is one bus per child arriving and returning to the same bus stop each day. However, different pick-up and drop-off addresses may be accommodated if there is a consistent weekly or biweekly pattern and both points must be served by the same bus route.  A consistent pattern allows the bus driver to monitor all pick-up and drop-off situations.  This is particularly important for the safety of young children.

The request must involve no additional cost and the bus route must neither be altered nor extended.  Requests are subject to review and authorization by STEO.

What is the process if the bus is running late?

Situations such as traffic, road closures, and weather can cause school vehicles to run late.

The bus company will update the STEO website if a vehicle is running 10 minutes late or more.

How safe are school buses?

According to Transport Canada , the yellow and black school bus is the safest mode of transportation for school children – in terms of construction, driver standards, training and passenger safety.

Transport Canada research shows that the occupants of school buses are 16 times less likely to be injured in road collisions than the occupants of any other vehicle.

Amber flashing lights indicate the bus is stopping to pick up children.  Red flashing lights and a stop arm halt traffic in both direction when children are boarding or leaving a school bus.

Children sit in specially designed, thickly padded seats that cushion them in event of a collision.

Construction and equipment standards for school buses are controlled by more federal and provincial regulations than any other motor vehicle on the road. School buses must meet stringent standards for structural integrity, crash protection, fire retardancy, and emergency equipment.

What type of training is expected of the drivers?

School bus drivers receive hours of specialized training, including written exams and road tests. They must complete certified driver improvement courses and take periodic re-examinations. Driving records and criminal records are screened and regular medical exams are required. Drivers are subject to exacting laws controlling fatigue, such as how many consecutive hours they are allowed to work and how long their breaks must be.